Sunday 3 March 2013


For an excellent book on cultural customization, see "The Culturally Customized Web Site: Customizing Websites for the Global Marketplace," by Nitish Singh, PhD.
Globalization Partners International has created a more extensive overview of website globalization for several global markets in a series of Website Globalization and E-Business Series white papers, which you may download for free. You may also benefit by reviewing the following blogs on different aspects of website translation and website localization:
Why are Multilingual Keywords important for your international websites?

Friday 1 March 2013

What individualist feature is being used here to hit the sweet spot?

Basic Rules for Colour Use

Three Rules
1. Keep it Functional- The meaning of the color should be clear.
2. Research Political Conflicts- Ensure that color choice won't contract sharply with nearby locals or intended context.
3. Keep it Context dependent- make sure you understand the color and its cultural significance.